Daily Implementation to get Real Results with Your Business...

Guided Implementation to add at least $10k per month to your High-Ticket Business in just Two Hours Per Day...

The accountability, tools, training and support to enroll 1 new HT client per week...

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Small Call to Action Headline

The Implementation Accelerator Starts in..

👋🏻Hey High Ticket Coach...

The secret to hitting consistent $10k - $25k months is actually simple...

1️⃣The 'Right' strategy...

2️⃣Focus on simple action step at a time...

3️⃣Complete that action step...

4️⃣Rinse and repeat on daily basis...

The problem is most coaches simply 'Don't don't do four things'

Read on...

maybe you know the exact actions to take...

Maybe you hit big income months times and say “I just gotta stay focused.”

Yet, you find yourself changing focus and getting distracted or even doing busy work that doesn't move the needle forward😵‍💫

So many coaches lose momentum and feel like nothing works all because of this one simple problem. - Consistent Implementation of one single proven system.

Maybe you thought the system was the problem, so you joined a big coaching program only to feel more overwhelmed.

Most $10k programs give you access to great training but fall short on accountability, support and daily action steps.

We found this is the biggest problem with most big coaching programs - coaches are not leading by example and leave you with a ton of information overload.

Stuck, wondering why nothing is working and feeling like hell..

It’s not your fault - we have been there too

We decided to put our money where our action is.

Let's put our program focus on these four steps and just implement daily...

👉🏻Real Accountability...

👉🏻Real Action steps...

👉🏻Real Support...

In Real time...

We’re opening space for a small daily implementation group.

We will be working with you in real time to book 2 - 4 qualified appointments per day using our signature strategy called the ‘Inbound Connection Method’

This 2 hour per day program is called ' The Implementation Accelerator'


❌ information overload

❌ High price tag $10k program

❌ Great strategy bro - shit support

❌ Great motivation bro - zero accountability


✅ The ability to implement with multi 6-figure coaches in real time

✅ Daily Implementation a proven system that books 2 - 4 appointments per day

✅ Accomplish the needle movers in 2 hours flat

✅ All the necessary business building tools

✅ Best of all - Real Accountability and Support

Imaging implementing for 2 hours a day knowing you have finished all tasks that create income in your business daily

❌ No more worrying about what to do

❌No more stuck feeling and not taking action

So if you want a simple proven system that will book 2 - 4 qualified appointments per week that is implemented LIVE with you.

Watching over our shoulder actioning out the things that are guaranteed to grow your business.


This is not a $10k program we made it very affordable but also enough skin in the game to take it seriously it is only $1197 per month

(don't worry no contracts) to work with us you can cancel anytime.

Our proven system to book 2 - 4 appointments per day - so easy we taugh VA's how to do it...

This is what is covered in the inbound connection method...

Framewworks to book appointments from any post on facebook

Posting Schedule to Attract Leads and convert the Inbound Leads

Copywriting Frameworks to Create Viral Content that starts sales conversations

Tools included with the Implementation Accelerator

Total Value for the Software & Tools $467 per month or $4667 annually

This Chrome Extension Upgrade will be instantly Activated with email address you submit above.

Make sure it is the same email you used to get the standard version...

 Results From People We Work With 👇👇

"Life changing can I keep saying that?. People have noticed and they keep saying I feel like I've watched you blossom over the last few months..." - QS Client Krista 

"All of the sudden it's just like...🚀🚀 .." We did $18k and $12k this week". - 

QS Client Siara

*Update a consistent $15k - $24k Per Month with CEO Energy + Mindset 

3 New High Ticket Clients this week 

2 Paid in full...

Real Screenshot's From People We Work With 👇👇

- From Our Masterclass -

People enrolling High Ticket Clients During the Event.

Clients Filling their Calendar Using Our Systems.

Calendar filling with qualified appointments.

Feeling the Momentum...

Quit the 9 - 5 and added an extra +10K per month within 90 days.

First Sales Call Booked

5 More Shortly After...

Posts with Massive Engagement of people raising their hands

I just need some space on my calendar 😳

Our Team & Systems Booking 2 - 4  Qualified Appointments Per Day 😳

- CEO Mindset & Energy Work For Entrepreneurs -

Don't know where I would be at this time without you. 

No wonder I'm not successful...It's like a lot of fear has vanished.

From 2 to +13 sign ups just by shifting beliefs...

It feels like a heavy weight/burden has been lifted. 

-Quantum Energy Healing & Creating Miracles  -

- Healers We Have Trained - 

Dr. was shocked couldn't find any tumor it was gone...

- Quantum Healing Client - 

Proving that Remote Viewing is not only possible but teachable...

- Quantum Healing Students - 

-Energy Work to Increase Money Flow-

Winning $37,000 just after doing our free money belief shifting session 👀 😱 

Completely Life Changing On All Levels.

Six High Ticket Retreat Sales, Effortlessly

Landing A 1.6 Million Dollar Deal! 

Still Not Convinced?

See Clients Who Implemented QuantumShift...

They Reset my Financial Thermostat that was stuck at $1k before

 "Now it's Nothing less than $10k monthly."

A Solid Mindset & Marketing Foundation

"Daily Actions That Align me with the Right Clients"

"Award for Top Sponsor with 27 new clients in just 2 months."

 (Even during a global crisis)

"Plus - The Subconscious Reprogramming is my favorite part, I've overcome 

obstacles that once stood in my way, for good."

"If your on that hump - Just do it!"

Client Interview Series - Mikalea McGrath

Get Started With Implementation Accelerator Today...

Everything you need to add $10k - $25kpm to your High Ticket Coaching Business

2 hours daily implementation with multi 6 figure high ticket coaches... No Excuses... Time to Get Weekly High Ticket Enrolments...

✅Get Access to the 'Inbound Connection Method' (We charge $2997)

✅All the tools necessary to grow a multi 6 figure High Ticket Coaching Program ($4997 per year)

✅Daily Implementation with Multi 6 figure coaches (Better than most $10k programs)

✅Accountability to focus on business needle movers

✅Accountability to Book 2 - 4 appointments per day ($4997)

✅Trouble shoot bottle necks in real time ($4997)

✅We implement with you so you get an over the shoulder view

✅Private Facebook Group

✅Private Support Chat Access

✅Private Daily Zoom Session for Implementation

✅Satisfaction Guarantee

✅Cancel Anytime

Total Value of The Implementation Program

$1997 per month or $17,988 annually

Total Value of The Software Pack

$467 per month or $4667 annually

Grand Total Of Everything

$2464 per month or $22,655 annually

Implementation Accelerator Today...

Book your call today and get the Offer Audit FREE

Grand Total Of Everything

$2464 per month or $22,655 annually

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This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. Facebook™ is a trademark of Facebook™ Inc. In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do reach out to find out if you'd like any more help with your business. Is it required? Absolutely not. Some people will download the Miracle Meditation, implement it by themselves, and yield great results. Some people will see what's possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It's completely up to you but I hope that you'll at least download the Miracle Meditation, use it, and let us know what you think!